In 5 years time..

I have a vision for my future, and I would like to think that one day we as a family will live the life that we dream of. There's a lot of things that I would love to improve within the next 5 years, but it will take a lot of work and effort to make it happen. Here are a 6 things that I would like to happen at some point within the next 5 years.. (I don't know why I say 5 years?)
  1. Move to the seaside -
    About a year ago my partner and me decided that when the time is right, we will move away from where we are currently living. We spoke about waiting until we had a car and making sure we were financially stable before we moved, and it's also hard as Amelia has just started nursery and now we have another baby coming soon. I think this will be sooner rather then later, but like I said - When the time is right.
  2. My photography to become a proper business - 
    Until I have established a strong client base my photography will get me nowhere - as I'm not getting a regular income from it. I still need to work on my portfolio and updating all of my equipment, but it's going to take me a while. Things go slow, and then they speed up again. I hope that in the next 5 years, I will have my own studio and be earning a high, steady wage from my photography.
  3. Amelia to have a hobby - 
    In 5 years time Amelia will be 8 years old!! That sounds so weird..
    I would love for Amelia to get into ballet or a club that she enjoyed, even if she wanted to play football. I would be such a proud mum going to watch her at shows and would always support any passions that she has in life.
  4. Learn to drive/have my own car - 
    I have done lessons, and I can sort of drive - But I panic when I get behind the wheel. Having two children and having to walk everywhere will be draining, so I hope that at some point I can pluck up the courage/afford to have my own car.
  5. Move into a 3bed house - 
    Although we most probably won't be able to buy/mortgage a house, we can get a 3 bedroom council house in Kent for less than we pay now for our 2 bedroom flat. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to mortgage, but I would love even more for my children to have their own bedrooms and not have to share.
  6. TO BE A MARRIED WOMAN! (Hint hint ;))

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