39 weeks pregnant

I'm a couple of days late with this but this week Ezra is about 19.96 inches long - the size of mini watermelon and should be weighing around 7lbs. Once again, not much has changed this week as Ezra is all set for birth, he has just been piling on the weight to fatten himself up. He has probably been losing a bit of his temporary skin too (vernix caseosa), and forming a new soft layer underneath.

I feel like the last week has really dragged on and so much has happened. I was quite unwell and my motivation was non existent. I had a random couple of day throat infection which seemed to clear up really quickly. I read somewhere that my body won't go into labor while I'm ill so I think my body helped me out and recovered quickly. During these 3 days I slacked on the housework and felt really down all together. I also had a trip to the hospital last week as I couldn't feel baby moving as much - It was luckily a false alarm and he just felt like being lazy!

I've had some braxton hicks too! They were coming a lot for about two days and then decided to stop again, but we were told at my midwife appt that Ezra is 2/5ths engaged so I seem to be looking out for any sign of contraction. Myself and so many people were convinced that Ezra would come early.. Now we are 5 days away from my due date and I feel like he's never going to come. I know he's head down and in position and my body has showed clear signs that it's gearing up ready for labor, but mentally I've prepared myself to go two weeks overdue because honestly I'm getting sick of waiting for it to happen.

Amelia seems to know that it's going to happen really soon though, she has been playing up so much and been such a handful - and I think this is because she knows that her life is about to change, so she is trying to get all of our attention while she can. It's tiring and most of the time I have to just ignore her, because even telling her off makes me feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm falling asleep by 8.30 and for some reason I keep waking up for the day at 5.45 which is such a pain. I am so ready for this pregnancy to be over now and I am sooo ready to meet my little boy.

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