Amelia & Ezra (April 2017)

It's been such a long time since I properly wrote about my children! They learn and grow so quickly these days, sometimes it's hard to take it all in. This time 2 years ago I was heavily pregnant with Ezra with an almost 3 year old! Today I sit here watching my 4 almost 5 year old girl and every day she becomes more of a lady. She may still be young, but my god she has her head screwed on. She is so clever and I always get praise from her teacher about how intelligent she is! She knows what she likes, she takes time out to play alone if she's getting frustrated, she loves life and what is more important than that!!

Sometimes the smallest things make her smile, but she can also be quite emotional. This isn't a bad thing at all, she's still learning and I'm teaching her ways to not let some things bother her. She's sensitive which I think is an amazing thing to be, as long as she can learn to contain her emotions which she is already learning quite well. What I mean by this is, if a kid doesn't share with her at school, she will go and cry as would most kids.. but I sit down with her and explain to her that this doesn't affect her life, and if she goes off and does something else then she can have the toy once the other person isn't playing with it anymore. She doesn't have to be upset because somebody else isn't willing to be kind and she totally understands that.

We have a saying in our home "sharing is caring" and we totally encourage our kids to share, offer help and support everybody around them! So when another child doesn't do this back, it confuses Amelia and sometimes she gets upset. I was very emotional as a child and the stress sometimes made me unwell. I would hate Amelia to be the same, so by me teaching her these ways to deal with stuff that makes her sad, I'm sure she will learn that happiness lies within and not to be phased by somebody else being unkind.

One thing that makes me so so proud of Amelia is how much she does help others! She supports and guides the new or scared children at school, and she has so much compassion for younger children. When Ezra was playing with a toy that another girl wanted, the girl got upset, and I was amazed by what Amelia did. She got herself down to the little girls level, put her hand on her back and said "it's okay, Ezra had it first and you can have it when he is finished with it" and this is exactly what I have been trying to teach her about children not wanting to share and how it doesn't have to stop her from having fun!

Now what can i say about my baby boy Ezra? Well he moans, and growns, and screams, and cries just like most other almost 2 year olds! Even though he is a handful and can stress us out so much, the second he smiles or laughs or comes over for a cuddle, we completely forget how much hard work he can sometimes be! The tough thing is with Ezra is that he really struggles with speech. He can say things like 'mum, dad, yeah, no, night, botbot' etc but when he tries to talk or sing, it just comes out as the noises for words, rather than the actual word. It's like his language is baby talk! This does make it so hard to understand him, and then he gets frustrated because we don't know what he is asking for!

He is addicted to the TV especially Justin's house, something special, peppa pig and paw patrol and if one of those isn't on the TV at all times then he will probably just walk around crying! His favorite has to be something special, and much to my surprise he has picked up some of the sign language from this programme which I'm thinking of maybe learning with him so we can communicate with him better. He absolutely loves to sing, like i said he doesn't sing words but you always know what song it is by the tune and the sound of the word he's trying to say. He can probably sing about 10 songs from start to finish, and he will just repeat it over and over.
When Amelia was the age Ezra is now, she was potty trained and had full blown conversations with us, but I think Ezra just loves being the baby.. there's no way we could even consider potty training yet because he just isn't ready! Some people say that boys are slowing then girls, and even though Amelia was some sort of genius baby, Ezra is defiantly much much slower than her. Although it is lovely, feeling like Ezra's baby years have been longed out, he really isn't independent at all, maybe because there's always me or Amelia to do things for him, but when he sits there whining all day, we kind of have to try everything just to make him happy.

Perhaps the terrible twos have come early, or maybe he is going to be an awful bratty 2 year old.. but he is the best either way, and I wouldn't change him for the world! Because even though he could scream in my face for paw patrol, and then the second I put it on scream in my face for Justin's house.. the good always outweigh the bad!! So as soon as he gives you one of his cuddles, or tries saying "I love you" all those stressed feelings go away, and he shows what a caring, lovely, gentle little boy he is!

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