Ten facts about Amelia

  1. Amelia was born on April 9th 2012, this was her due date. The hospital told me that I could start pushing at 11.40pm on the 8th but I told them I didn't want to start pushing until midnight because I wanted her to come on her due date. Amelia came at 00.46am on her due date :)
  2. When Amelia was a baby she used to play with my hair, but eventually I tried to stop her by giving her a silk blanket. She used this blanket for about 4 months until it went missing, then she found her own hair.Now when Amelia is tired she twiddles with her hair. It started at the side of her head, but then she started losing hair in that area, so she moved on to the other side and the front and the same thing happened. Now she twiddles the top of her hair, meaning that she has long hair at the back, shorter bits at the side and in the center of her head at the top she has a shorter patch which is constantly a mohawk.
  3. Ever since Amelia was 3 months old she has worn an amber teething necklace. Whether this necklace worked as it is supposed to, I'm not exactly sure; but it's become a part of her, Every photo you look at of Amelia since she was little she is wearing this necklace. When she starts nursery next month she won't be allowed to wear it, and I think it's going to take a while to adjust to seeing her without it on. I will always keep her necklace, it will be going in her keepsake box and I am also going to buy one for her brother.
  4. Many people don't notice this, but Amelia has a gap in her front teeth. I love it; it's so cute and I love her little goofy-ness that she has. I think this is due to Amelia having a dummy until she was 1+ and she still has it now for bed time. She also has a little lisp when she says some words. Like I said, many people don't notice as her speech is actually so clear for her age.
  5. Amelia's favourite things? Definitely Peppa Pig, Charlie & Lola, Max & Ruby, doing things by herself (making her own juice), my phone - she probably works it better then I do, puzzles, jumping in puddles and saying 'mummy' or 'daddy' on repeat 200 million times a day :)
  6. One thing that Amelia is amazing at is sleeping. She goes to bed at 6, and wakes up the next day at 7.30. It was hard to make this happen. We co-slept until Amelia was 16 months old, then we used to cry it out method to get her to sleep in her own bed, in her own room; which was one of the hardest parenting tasks I've had to do to date. I was very persistent with this and eventually it became the best thing I ever did. Amelia goes to sleep watching Peppa pig, with her two hottie teddies to keep her cosy. She has a potty next to her bed so if she needs a wee; she will wake up, have a wee and open her bedroom door so that I know to go and empty her potty, then she will get back into bed and go back to sleep. What a little angel.
  7. Amelia can count to 10 (12-13) on her own and she knows most of her colours. She occasionally gets blue and green mixed up but I think she is just tricking sometimes. She knows some shapes, thanks to a little help from Mr Maker.
  8. I think when Amelia grows up she will be some sort of climber, or adrenaline junkie. Anything that is high up or climbable, Amelia is on it. From the age of about 1 she has been like this, climbing up slide ladders by herself, standing on top of anything possible. She climbs onto our chair, then onto the table and tries to sit on the window seal with the cat and have tea parties. The amount of heart attacks she gives me in unreal, but she has no fear. Of course her climbs have gone wrong a few times and she has fallen, but my girl just gets back up and continues to climb.
  9. When we got our flat when Amelia was 15 months old, I brought her a little bunny rabbit. Daisy is our house rabbit, he is a californian and he is now gigantic. The story of daisy; I wanted to buy a house rabbit, a nice calm, friendly pet for Amelia. I came across Daisy, a tiny, pure white bunny. I instantly fell in love with him, and then I found out that he was born on Amelia's first birthday and that was it, I wanted him. So we brought Daisy home and he grew and grew and grew.. We were originally told that Daisy was a girl, but that was wrong. We decided to keep his name as Daisy as that's what Amelia knew his as and we didn't want to confuse her.
  10. Lastly, Amelia is perfect. She is my princess and she knows it.