21 weeks pregnant

I'm a bit late with this as today I'm actually 21+3 but after this I will do this weekly update on a Sunday so it's on track with my progress.

This week the baby is the size of a pomegranate - approx 10.5 inches and weighing 12.7 ounces. He now has eyelids meaning that he can blink and lips are now fully formed.

He is kicking me and moving around all of the time, especially in the evenings when I'm watching my soaps. This is partly how I knew he was a little boy; I felt movement with Amelia at 16 weeks which was earlier then with this pregnancy, but as soon as I started feeling baby boy move he just didn't stop. He is so active and always seems to be moving really low down.

The past week I was in hospital with sickness, which wasn't pregnancy related. This was when my heart burn started, after I had stopped being sick I got really bad heart burn and it has sort of stuck with me since then. Most evenings when I'm laying down before bed it gets really bad. I've also had some back and joint pain which seems to be there continuously.

Another thing that I have noticed about this pregnancy is the amount of stretch marks I have. All of the weight that I am putting on is at my tummy. With Amelia I put on weight everywhere, but this time it's only my belly that is growing. I have stretch marks around my belly button and all over the sides of my tummy. This doesn't really bother me, as it's natural to get stretch marks during pregnancy; but I feel like I can actually feel my skin stretching, it feels really tight and uncomfortable so I think I'm going to have to find myself a good pregnancy moisturizer.