Smoke free success

It's been a week and 1 day since I gave up smoking and a week tomorrow that I've been smoke free. When I was pregnant with Amelia I gave up straight away, but for some reason it's been a lot harder this pregnancy and I was smoking until I was 20 weeks. I set myself a date to give up, and when that day came I really struggled, so I had a few tokes here and there, and the next day I did the same thing. But then I went into hospital for 2 nights, meaning I didn't smoke anything and I still haven't. I still want too, when I smell a cigarette I feel like 'Ohh I could have a fag right now' but I just don't.

The thing that makes it hard for me I think is that I don't smoke because I need to, I actually enjoy smoking. I've been doing it since I was about 14, that's 7 years (with a few breaks) and it's such a habit that I enjoy picking up a cigarette and smoking. I hope that after this baby is born I can stick with being smoke-free. I will be breastfeeding for at least a year so I'm going to have to work hard to not smoke until I stop breastfeeding.