My beautiful Amelia,

You are turning into the most stunning little princess and I couldn't be more proud of you. You are funny, cheeky, clever, beautiful and inspiring but you can also be stubborn and moody. Next month you will be starting nursery, and you will have the chance to meet your own little friends and share your amazing personality with other children. You can be shy, but I know you have the confidence to shine. This is a big step in your little life and everything will change so much for you, you will have time away from mummy, have to listen to what other people are telling you to do, meet friends, learn and grow.

I can imagine myself being one of those parents that cries at the school gates, but I will be strong for you and let you know that it's okay to move up in life. So if you get worried about me leaving you at nursery, or if another child makes you sad - Just remember that it's an achievement into progressing, growing up and becoming more of an individual. One day you won't need me at all, but until that day I will always be here to watch you grow.

I love you more then this world could ever know, and even when your brother is born - don't think that because you don't get as much attention as before that I don't love you, you will always be my princess and nothing will change that.

All my love,
Your Mummy xx